Thursday, March 5, 2009

We are quickly counting down now. Whew! Here are my pics from week 31. I realize I am a little late getting them up seeing how I will be 32 weeks tomorrow. I am putting up two again because I am indecisive about hand placement. Also, this is the same spot in the house. I just hung some stuff on the wall in the middle of my nesting. Baby shower is in 3 weeks!!!!!!! I am so excited. I went by Terra Tots and finalized my registry for all of our cloth diaper and natural mom and baby stuff. I love their products.

On a different note, the arborist came by and fixed our trees yesterday. We get a fresh start in the front with landscaping now because they completely took out the tree in the front. There isn't anything between our house and the road now. It looks very bare, but I prefer to think of it as a blank canvas.

I had my dr.apointment today, and things are right on track. I was retainging a little fluid so I have to concentrate extra hard on drinking more water so I don't blow up like a balloon. I am glad spring is getting here, but the warmer weather is making my hands and feet a little biggger. Thankfully, only 8 more weeks to go! We have narrowed our list of names to three:

Ewan James Denison
Liam James Denison
Whitmer James Denison

I know we are not going to decide until we meet him. I like all three of these. They seem to suit our family, our style, our heritage. We shall see who he turns out to be. I am constantly checking out names everywhere. If anyone has a good idea feel free to shoot it our way.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey Sarah - I was so happy to find your blog! We did exactly the same thing with Owen - we had names picked out but waited until we saw him to decide on one.

I'm really excited for you. Time flies and I can't believe that you are so close now! I hope you are feeling well and can't wait to hear about baby Denison.