Thursday, March 12, 2009

32 weeks!! Things are going well. I am a nesting machine lately. If I were not pregnant, I would call it Spring Cleaning. My project today is to work on our office area. I want everything to have a place if it has a function, and then I am chunking things we have accumulated that we don't use. It feels good.

I am also reading up on how to start my garden. I am going to build a couple raised beds next week during spring break. Then we are going to grow various veggies and herbs. I am going to get my soil tested this weekend to see if it needs to be limed because the soil in the area is often too acidic. This is what I have been told by my friend that runs Across The Creek Farm. We get fresh eggs from him every week. Man, if you ever get the chance you should compare fresh eggs to store bought eggs. You can see and taste a difference. It is the same difference I taste when we eat food from the farmers market versus Walmart. Spence was telling me that the eggs at the store are generally a month old already. That is why they only last a couple weeks for you at home, never mind that the hens are sitting in little boxes all day hyped up on all kinds of stuff.

Having said that, I will say that Ty and I do buy most of our groceries from Walmart these days. Most of their produce comes from California or South America, and it is pretty good. I don't know where their eggs come from, but I know for the same price I can get ATC's eggs, so why not. I am hoping to get the garden going strong enough that we can use it for the fall (potatoes, beans, squash, cherry tomatoes, basil, and mint) to start making some home grown baby food. We shall see. There are a lot of factors. Anyway, I plan to have fun with it and hope for the best. Have a great week.


Unknown said...

You look beautiful. Can't wait to see ya'll in a coupl of weeks.

Emily said...

Oh my gosh I'm so excited for you guys. I keep saying that but's so much fun and all those first weeks feelings are amazing - only a few short weeks to go!!!

Unknown said...

i can't believe i didn't realize you were had been stagnant for so long i stopped checking!!! but right now i am going to add you to my google you guys!