Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have all kinds of photo goodies for you guys this week. First of all, Ty did an AMAZING job painting our little guy's future room. The color is Frolic Green, and I LOVE it so much!!!! Once all of the baby stuff is in there, it will be shades of brown and green for the decor.

Then we had dinner courtesy of the Spielmaker's this evening at Gulley Park with the Newcombs, Jessica Lewallen, and Carla. It was such a beautiful day, it was nice to enjoy dinner at the park with friends.
Though I am sporting a crazy come over, I really like this picture of me and Ty. I am also letting the picture below count as my 33 week baby belly shot.

From the left this is Jessica L, Simeon, and Carla (Simi's mom)
Then we have my handsome hubby, Josh, and Kristie. Kristie made a great pasta salad for everyone to munch on. It was a great day.

1 comment:

Jessica Lewallen said...

The wall color looks great! Thanks for posting the pictures from our picnic.