Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tour de Fayetteville

Hey Everyone,
Since we had such a productive spring break, I thought we would post a video showing all the things we accomplished. Also, those of you who haven't seen our house can see it in the video. Enjoy.
Sorry about the crooked glasses. I tried.
Well, it turns out there is sound. Yeah!!! By the way, I am 34 weeks (8.5 months preggers) and 1 day in this video in case you were curious. :)
I am sure that all of us have heard of or even seen silent movies. Well, I have a silent movie to share with you:

Tyrel and I went over to Zach and Jessica Newcomb's house last Saturday night to have dinner and play some games. We wound up playing an awesome game of Cranium (which my team [me, Ty, and Jessica] totally won!). Here is a video of Ty and I trying to score some points. I don't know why the audio is not working, but I thought you would get a kick out of seeing us act the fool anyhow.Plus you get to see baby Denison in action. 5 weeks left!

Just so you know Ty is trying to act out things for Jessica to guess using me as a puppet.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


The Spencers treated us to a lovely dinner last night, and Ty and Spence corralled 50 chickens to move them into the pasture. Yes, these are the lovely chickens that we get our soooo yummy eggs from. Yes, this is another shameless plug for Across the Creek Farm.

My point is for you to take a look at these pics. I think that these guys Terrell and Tyrel could be brothers. Two very handsome dudes!

They traded accessories for this picture:

Then they went sans accessories for this one:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have all kinds of photo goodies for you guys this week. First of all, Ty did an AMAZING job painting our little guy's future room. The color is Frolic Green, and I LOVE it so much!!!! Once all of the baby stuff is in there, it will be shades of brown and green for the decor.

Then we had dinner courtesy of the Spielmaker's this evening at Gulley Park with the Newcombs, Jessica Lewallen, and Carla. It was such a beautiful day, it was nice to enjoy dinner at the park with friends.
Though I am sporting a crazy come over, I really like this picture of me and Ty. I am also letting the picture below count as my 33 week baby belly shot.

From the left this is Jessica L, Simeon, and Carla (Simi's mom)
Then we have my handsome hubby, Josh, and Kristie. Kristie made a great pasta salad for everyone to munch on. It was a great day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

32 weeks!! Things are going well. I am a nesting machine lately. If I were not pregnant, I would call it Spring Cleaning. My project today is to work on our office area. I want everything to have a place if it has a function, and then I am chunking things we have accumulated that we don't use. It feels good.

I am also reading up on how to start my garden. I am going to build a couple raised beds next week during spring break. Then we are going to grow various veggies and herbs. I am going to get my soil tested this weekend to see if it needs to be limed because the soil in the area is often too acidic. This is what I have been told by my friend that runs Across The Creek Farm. We get fresh eggs from him every week. Man, if you ever get the chance you should compare fresh eggs to store bought eggs. You can see and taste a difference. It is the same difference I taste when we eat food from the farmers market versus Walmart. Spence was telling me that the eggs at the store are generally a month old already. That is why they only last a couple weeks for you at home, never mind that the hens are sitting in little boxes all day hyped up on all kinds of stuff.

Having said that, I will say that Ty and I do buy most of our groceries from Walmart these days. Most of their produce comes from California or South America, and it is pretty good. I don't know where their eggs come from, but I know for the same price I can get ATC's eggs, so why not. I am hoping to get the garden going strong enough that we can use it for the fall (potatoes, beans, squash, cherry tomatoes, basil, and mint) to start making some home grown baby food. We shall see. There are a lot of factors. Anyway, I plan to have fun with it and hope for the best. Have a great week.

Friday, March 6, 2009

And Ty Finally Posts

Hello Friends,

I know what you're all thinking, Ty never posts. Well I finally sneaked (that is actually the word) the computer away from Sarah long enought to say hello. Of couse it is before 6am. Just thought that I would say hello to those of you who read our blog and let you know how excited I am to be having a son in a few weeks (that's weird to type). As we continue to make preparations I realize that my new little friend will be here sooner than I realize. It's like I ordered him off of ebay and I'm waiting for him to come in the mail, only the mailman is Sarah (don't tell her I said that). Anyways, have a great weekend and we should have 32 week belly shots up on Monday.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

We are quickly counting down now. Whew! Here are my pics from week 31. I realize I am a little late getting them up seeing how I will be 32 weeks tomorrow. I am putting up two again because I am indecisive about hand placement. Also, this is the same spot in the house. I just hung some stuff on the wall in the middle of my nesting. Baby shower is in 3 weeks!!!!!!! I am so excited. I went by Terra Tots and finalized my registry for all of our cloth diaper and natural mom and baby stuff. I love their products.

On a different note, the arborist came by and fixed our trees yesterday. We get a fresh start in the front with landscaping now because they completely took out the tree in the front. There isn't anything between our house and the road now. It looks very bare, but I prefer to think of it as a blank canvas.

I had my dr.apointment today, and things are right on track. I was retainging a little fluid so I have to concentrate extra hard on drinking more water so I don't blow up like a balloon. I am glad spring is getting here, but the warmer weather is making my hands and feet a little biggger. Thankfully, only 8 more weeks to go! We have narrowed our list of names to three:

Ewan James Denison
Liam James Denison
Whitmer James Denison

I know we are not going to decide until we meet him. I like all three of these. They seem to suit our family, our style, our heritage. We shall see who he turns out to be. I am constantly checking out names everywhere. If anyone has a good idea feel free to shoot it our way.