Saturday, December 6, 2008

So...I have figured out that I am not really a blog person. This does not mean that I won't update and write, but merely means that I am not as into this as I initially thought I would be. That being said, I do have news. We are going to have a little baby BOY!

We went to the doctor for my 20 week visit Thursday. Everything is looking good and he and I are growing right on track. He was moving a jumping all around. I think that he does this often because I feel him moving more and more throughout the day. We had them record the session onto a DVD which we will be bringing with us on our Christmas Trek to Texas.

I give my last final exam on the 17th. I am definately ready for this semester to be over, but this is the general feeling I have about this time of year.

My trip to London was great. London is nice, but the people I got to meet from all over the world were so much better. I am so glad Ty and I are involved in such an amazing move of God.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Hurray for the little boy!!! I'm so excited for you! :)