Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Denison's First Picture

We went for a check up today, and came home with a surprise that made me want to start our online log of this very momentous part of our lives.

I am officially 10 weeks and 4 days "with child". Mari (our midwife) was really a delight to meet this afternoon. The first thing she did was an ultrasound of little Denison. I am partial, but I think it is the cutest peanut I have ever seen!


The Simple Things said...


Unknown said...

cute design...and such a precious peanut indeed!

Jessica Lewallen said...

like the new header...did you use photoshop?

Misty said...

very precious

Kristina said...

Isn't it just wonderful? I still have our little "bean" pictures on our fridge. So you are using a midwife? Are you planning on giving birth at home? I'd be really interested to hear all about it!!!!