Thursday, February 5, 2009

28 weeks and counting. I don't have belly pics, but I do have pics from the crazy ice storm to ravish our lives last week. I also have good news that I don't have gestational diabetes or low iron levels. I got tested for those last week at my appointment. We went to a birthing class by the hospital last night. They took us on a tour of labor and delivery, and we watched some videos about birth. I am really excited to start my 5 week birth classes with Maria the midwife. Every meeting will be a potluck! So back to the ice storm...we were without power from Tuesday-Saturday. Thankfully, the insurance company put us up in a hotel. Otherwise, we would have frozen our tooshies off. We are definitely going forward with our plans to install a wood stove.

I realize it is hard to tell, but these are the game pieces from CLUE. We played it the first night of the ice storm. I put all of the weapons on the people. Can you see the size of the knife Ms. Scarlett is toting around?
This is what was happening all over our property. Can you see how that branch used to be on the tree? Our oak tree was obliterated.
This shows how the trees pulled our power line off of our house. That was a metal pole attached with bolts. The ice was mighty.
This was our back fence, but a tree decided to lay down on it. Ty spent Saturday chain sawing this guy and putting the fence back together. I am so proud of him.
Ok, so we don't have bushes in front of our house. That is part of our oak tree that fell on my car. Oh the carnanage. Thankfully, that is all it did. This could have been sooo much worse.

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